Fort Dix Gym - The 87FSS Griffith Field House provides a variety of sports and physical facilities and programs for the JB MDL community. Exercise classes are offered along with games, aerobic marathons, physical challenges, as well as a full schedule of intramural and varsity sports. Our expert fitness team is always available for questions and help with using exercise equipment and getting the most out of your workout. Check out our TRX, Spin, Zumba, Yoga, Pilates, Cardio Kickboxing classes for fun and fitness.
A fast workout consists of 8-10 exercise stations that work different muscles with little or no rest between stations.
Fort Dix Gym
Born from Navy Seals, Suspension Training exercises develop strength, balance, flexibility and stability all at once. TRX® Suspension Trainer is a highly portable training tool that uses gravity and the user's body weight to provide hundreds of targeted exercises daily and physical conditions.
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This class mixes traditional sculptural movements with easy-to-follow dance routines, mostly derived from Latin music. It targets areas such as buttocks, legs, arms, abs and body. The routines feature aerobic exercise training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms in the voice and body.
Please contact FSS Fitness Center Griffith Field House staff for more information at 609.562.4888. Classes are available to physically fit people 16 years and older regardless of physical condition free of charge.
All employees using the 87FSS Fitness facility will follow the dress code guidelines. In addition to good housekeeping and discipline, this guide will help ensure the health and well-being of all employees.
Appropriate clothing must be worn to maintain a proper image in the military and the family hospital. Clothing should be conservative and modest in nature. Abusive/offensive language or images are prohibited. Athletic clothing and athletic shoes will be worn during all activities and equipment. Military uniforms are permitted to be worn during training and members may remove their uniforms (shirts); however, T-shirts must be worn. Only unmarked referee shoes will be worn on wooden floors; shoes are not allowed on driveways or hardwood floors. Regular pants/Shorts and jeans are considered non-exercise and not worn. Due to safety concerns (including increased risk of dehydration and heatstroke), clothing made of plastic, leather, nylon, etc., which are specifically designed to increase perspiration, are not allowed in any exercise area, including outdoors. racetracks and arenas. People not wearing appropriate clothing will be asked to change into appropriate exercise clothing or leave the venue.
Doughboy Gym, 5953 10th St, Fort Dix, Nj, Gymnasiums
87FSS Fitness Center JBMDL McGuire is equipped with the WellBeats Kiosk System, a 30-40 newly installed fitness class that includes audio and visual elements led by people through high and low aerobic exercise. Choose your class from Fusion (Yoga), Vibe (Dance), Stomp (Step), Rev (Spin), Kinetics (Circle Training) and TKO (Kickboxing).
Access to all three physical locations for all employees, retirees, DoD civilians and dependents 18+ with valid ID at JBMDL!
Squadron Commanders now have the option to choose to test all their members internally or continue to use standard test methods. If the leaders choose to test in, the PTL will conduct the fitness assessment using the Fitness Assessment Cell (FAC) facility/equipment. If they choose to continue using traditional testing methods, unit members will continue to schedule testing through their Program Managers (UFPMs), and will be tested by FAC staff. . The FAC test time remains the same for units that choose not to test on their team. Squadrons participating in internal testing will be permitted to reserve and use the FAC outside of the FAC testing period. Please contact your Unit Fitness Program Managers (UFPMs) for more information.
Open to all DoD ID holders age 18+. Intramural Basketball, Volleyball, and Bowling are held between January and March. Softball is played between April and July. Soccer and football are held between August and December.
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